Reinventing Education

Reinventing Education in Hawai'i

by Richard Morse; August 28, 2013

The YouTube video, "Common Core Standards--Fact and Fiction", is one of several on-line sources that highlight 'the dark side' of the education program we have just installed in all our public schools.

Parents might like to know that the Common Core (CC) program goes far beyond a set of state standards for Math and English literature. It is, instead, an entire re-invention of education for our keki. It is designed to lead children away from classical literature and the humanities; and towards proficiency in reading technical information.

Common Core embraces a new discipline called "fuzzy math", which teaches children to 'feel' their arithmetic, as apposed to learn it.

Common Core sees fit to monitor your kids' personal mannerisms, attitudes and behaviors, and share that information with private corporations without your consent.

This Federally-driven program has been implemented so aggressively, by its creators, that all school-book publishers in the U.S. have aligned all learning material to CC. It has become near-impossible, even for private schools, to order a normal text book any more.

On the bright side, the tide appears to be turning, as at least 16 state legislatures across the nation, who had previously adapted CC, are now rejecting it for reasons mentioned above, and others. Suppose Hawai'i followed suit. Taking into account the current vacuum of legitimate text books, it could mean a great opportunity for creative educators in Hawai'i to re-invent public education...from scratch, and bring about a true renaissance of education for our keki o ka aina.

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