“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.”
― Thomas Paine
R. Morse
Posted June 2013
Agenda 21, is the United Nations' master plan for global "sustainable development," to be implemented, bit-by-bit, throughout the 21st century.
Summed up in the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED: "Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment."
Agenda 21, along with the associated Wildlands Project--a joint U.N/U.S. eco-system preservation strategy--has effectively pervaded every level of government in the United States--Federal, State, and county--through some sort of vague sustainability plan.
No exception, the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan slid into law in 2010, unsigned by a skeptical Governor--Linda Lingle. She noted, 'after two years of planning and $1.7 million of state funding,' the "bill continues the discussion, rather than implements actions that are needed to transform our economy."
In those two years of discussion, the connection between the U.N. and the HI 2050 Plan was never clarified for the benefit of legislators or the public. Not even the familiar definition for "sustainability": "Development that meets the needs of the present..." etc, was sourced to the
U.N. publication Our Common Future, (also known as the Brundtland Report.)
This oversight effectively denied the public and State legislators the opportunity to debate the ramifications of supplanting our constitutional State policies with international policies.*
Numerous U.S. counties--from California to Maine--have discovered some of those ramifications through basic conflicts between U.S. and U.N. values, as private and public property rights of their citizens are impacted by sustainability schemes.
Farmers and Ranchers across the country, are being forced from their lands, due to huge government land grabs under auspices of establishing wildlife preserves.
County roads, suddenly gated by federal agents, cut off public recreational areas; and block access for local emergency vehicles.
Local economies collapse as small businesses are regulated into extinction; and as communities loose control of their natural resources, following new federal conservation mandates.
Meanwhile the Sustainers seem eager to herd everyone into walkable, bikeable beehives near the tracks--compact, vertical "human settlements" designed to 'meet the needs of future generations.'
General loss of individual choice, due to international SD policies, is causing many Americans to question if the Green revolution is not actually Red.
Consequently, many U.S. counties are now fighting to abolish the sustainability plans from their jurisdictions...and, (incidentally), ...winning. In the fight, County sheriffs across 14 states, have joined forces, to stand up to federal agencies; and defend the Constitutional rights of their local citizens.
In unanimous decisions, in both houses, Alabama State Legislature was the first to ban Agenda-21 shenanigans in their state. The Missouri Legislature recently did the same with passage of SB 265. Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Washington.... legislatures all have bills circulating--aimed at ridding their states of U.N. policies.
Meanwhile, Agenda 21 is just getting a foothold in our state, as Governor Abercrombie and fellow Globalists in the Legislature usher in 'A New Day in Hawaii' with the likes of the Public-Private Partnership Authority ; lawless, land-grab commissions like the PLDC; and the Governor's early-learning initiatives--all standard tools for implementing long-term Agenda 21.
Judging from the 2013 Legislative session, these local Globalists are making progress...bit by bit.
Lucky we live Hawaii...in a time bubble that, for some odd reason, seems to lag behind world clock. In this case, we can watch how these other sustainability plans, across the nation, are unfolding; and ask ourselves, "Do we really want that here?"
*For State lawmakers to knowingly 'enter into any Agreement or Compact with a foreign Power' violates ARTCLE I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution.
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